Founded in 1989, CapitalCare Foundation is a registered charity in Alberta that supports the goals and needs of residents in long-term care at CapitalCare through private philanthropy and giving.

Who CapitalCare Foundation Helps

We invite you to join us by supporting the work of CapitalCare and improving the lives of residents and their families.

Together, we can make a difference by facilitating positive change that enriches the lives of seniors and residents in long-term assisted living.

Funds raised by the foundation have helped CapitalCare to purchase specialized equipment, renovate buildings, provide educational assistance for staff, and enhance programming. All of these items, and many others, add to residents’ quality of life. We take over where government funding ends.

As a registered charity, we’re committed to providing funds for programs, equipment, staff education, and capital building projects.

Our staff and board of volunteer trustees work with many partners in the community, both corporate and individual.

Our goals and support areas have not changed over time, but the need for additional financial resources has increased. This is mainly due to shifts in government funding and the increase in our aging population, creating a greater demand for specialized programs, homelike centres, and new continuing care delivery options.

To meet the challenges of providing the best continuing care for the community, we need to be flexible, responsive, and forward-thinking. The work of CapitalCare Foundation is key to these efforts.

Our Mission

CapitalCare Foundation is an organization that raises funds to support the work and care provided at CapitalCare centres, ensuring persons needing long-term care have quality equipment, furnishings, and programs to live with dignity while in care.


Building a giving community through engagement and collaboration that engages in action-based involvement with fundraising, volunteer involvement, and Friend raising.  

Responsible Stewardship

Responsibly stewarding the funds raised to improve the settings and programs at the CapitalCare centers for the betterment of those who live and work there.


Ensuring accountability for donors’ wishes and making sure funds for residents’ and centres’ needs are utilized where most needed.


Demonstrating a personal commitment to the goals of CapitalCare Foundation, Directors and volunteers give of their time, talent, and treasure.

What We Fund

Creating Stronger Homes and Community

Specialized Equipment

Centre Enhancements

Staff Support & Education

At CapitalCare Foundation, we pride ourselves in supporting new and innovative initiatives. The results can best be seen in every aspect of our operations, such as McConnell Place North, McConnell Place West, Strathcona Alzheimer Care Centre, and Kipnes Centre for Veterans.

Renovations and new furnishings create homelike settings in our more traditional older care centres, while adaptive vans open the doors to new possibilities for all residents and clients. Educational bursaries and scholarships help staff grow, and programs for our continuing care operations are supported through CapitalCare Foundation, ensuring that both residents and staff have opportunities to enrich theirs and others’ lives.